The new relaxation of measures, the most significant one since the beginning of the pandemic, came into force yesterday. It allows foreign citizens and the Croatian citizens to get into the country
Current epidemiological situation has enabled considerable reduction of measures that will allow many boat owners from other countries who keep their boats in Croatia to get into the country. As previously reported, all vessels 24 m and longer arriving from the international waters have already been allowed to enter the Republic of Croatia, and what is most important is that the boat owners, leaseholders and the members of their household are now allowed to enter the Croatian territory to get to their boats. They need to have the documents to prove the ownership and to follow the same instructions as Croatian citizens, issued by Croatian public health. The travel within Croatia is no longer limited, with the exception of certain small areas.
Due to the good epidemiological status, the phased easing of restrictions started last week with the vessels 24 m and longer being allowed to enter the marinas, ports and shipyards. Travel from one county to another is now allowed without a permit. As of today, the coffee shops and restaurants are open provided that precautionary measures are followed: social distancing and regular disinfection of the inside and the inventory.
Many boaters were planning to stay in Croatia in April, either on their own or a chartered boat. The borders are opening up now, but it is still recommended to avoid non-essential travel. Should that be the case, all the information about a person entering the country are collected at the border crossing.
Records of entries
Records are kept for every person’s entry into the country, the address of the property or the address where the boat is kept. It is also required to provide the contact number and the duration of the stay as well as the planned time of exit. All other foreign citizens who have an urgent reason for coming to Croatia other than those covered with the protocol, must contact the Ministry of the Interior at the following address:
The entry into the country will be allowed to foreign citizens who can provide the documents showing the business purpose of their visit or an invitation to a business meeting. They will be required to leave contact details such as telephone number, the address where they will be staying and the time when they are planning to leave. If there is a purpose for a business visit that has not been covered with the protocol, the Ministry of the Interior must be contacted at the following address; just like in the case of private individuals.
All persons who are involved in the process of border crossing must be informed about epidemiological measures as well as the procedures how to manage people who cross the borders of the Republic of Croatia. People who cross the border, must limit contacts with other people in order to minimize the risk of spreading the virus and follow the precautionary measures: avoid physical contact, keep distance of 2 meters apart, wash hand regularly, avoid touching the face, etc.
Outside working hours, the host/organizer will contact the emergency or take the person to the nearest COVID infirmary. Should a person shows signs of the disease at the border, border police will notify the border health inspector, the regional inspector or the central office of Croatian State Inspectorate.