Restaurants displaying the Gourmet Tour sticker. For years all the restaurants, taverns and inns which we have recommended to you as places where you can enjoy particularly good food have been entitled to display our sticker, Gustozi đir (Gourmet Tour). The best have been awarded a sticker every year and we are proud to present them here.
For more than twenty-five years, More, the leading Croatian nautical magazine, has been closely following happenings in the Croatian Adriatic catering world, and the best eating places have been awarded a Gustozi đir sticker. The sticker for 2020, showing a stylized John Dory fish, has been awarded to 45 chefs or proprietors. Some restaurants have been awarded stickers for many years in succession in a variety of colors and the sticker for 2020 will be blue. Those which do not display the 2020 blue sticker during the current season are no longer on our list.
If you have eaten somewhere on our Gourmet Tour, let us have share your impressions of the food, atmosphere, service, prices etc., whether in the restaurants, taverns and confectioners we have recommended, or where you have made gourmet discoveries yourselves. You can contact us by email at or visit our website,